Friday,February 09, 2007
South Drop St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
Great Diving! Air in the Mid 80's, Water in the Upper 70's. Depth 65 feet - the abyss (3,000 feet).
We had nine guests aboard for this diving/fishing charter: Jimmy, Stacy, Ashley, Vince, Kim, Bethany, Paul, Liz and Oren. Our destination was the South Drop of St. Thomas were their is a portion of the reef that comes up from 200 feet to 65 feet and then drops back off to 3,000 feet. Jimmy put together this charter and has been waiting for quite some time to dive this area. The depth of the area that we dove renged between 65-120 feet. Within a hundred yards or so there was a drop-off that went as deep as 3,000 feet. The diving was excellent and Jimmy scored the only lobster. I had a great opportunity to shoot a 15 lb. snapper, but I was too low on air. We did three dives throughout the day and between dives we bottom fished. We ended up catching 20 plus Rock Hinds, which we had for dinner.
Captain Drex