Tuesday,April 13, 2004
Double overhead with some bigger sets! It was reeling down the reef for 200-300 yards. Flawless perfection until 11 am for 2 days in a row. Beautiful picturesque scenery with the air temp in the upper 80's and the water temp in the upper 70's.
We left Pavones with a dropping swell only to show up at Punta Burica to surf one of the best left hand point reef breaks that I have seen in Costa Rica. It blew Pavones away and was only accessible by boat with absolutely no one in the line up except for the Tiki crew and friends!!! We never even saw another surfer for the two days we were there. Furthermore, let me tell you that we surfed the second left point out of four points in a row. The one we surfed was smaller than the outer left point break witch had 15 foot faces on set with occasional bigger sets. It was SICK!! This was the wave I have been waiting to surf since we came to Costa Rica this year and it was everything I had hoped for and then some! What are you waiting for get your quiver together and quit procrastinating and come join us for an adventure of a Lifetime! Sorry it took so long to update these pics, but we are using a relatively new technology called Bluetooth and it only works sometimes on our boat. At least I am able to do website update from our vessel. Our next swell is hitting tomorrow so we will have plenty more good surf pics for show coming up!